Wednesday, 26 July 2017

When is it a good idea to not use NodeJs? Why?

When is it a good idea to not use NodeJs? Why? 
* If we want to create an application which is not much need OS  
server/user,Then we shouldn't use Nodejs. 
We would be just fine with other technology in very less time.

 * If we want to make an application which is required CPU Operations 
 frequently,Then we shouldn't use nodejs, Beacuse Nodejs bynature 
single threaded. When we launch a node process, you are running  
a single process with a single thread on a single core. So your 
 code will not be executed in parallel.
 So long running CPU tasks will block the whole server and are 
 usually a bad idea.

* If we are going to create a Simple blogs and static sites or Just 
 as a static file server then we shouldn't use Nodejs.

* No ability to scale out to take advantage of the multiple cores.

* Every time using a callback end up with tons of nested callbacks
 So using so many callbacks is not a good idea.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Convert Speech to Text- Nodejs

Hi There ,
I am going to tell you how to convert Audio/Speech/Mp3 and other audio file into Text format.

I will use Nodejs, Bluemix (IBM Cloud Plateform).So let's start.

You should follow below steps to the same:

Step 1: Register on Bluemix (IBM Cloud Plateform).
Step 2: Login on Bluemix.
Step 3: Crete a service for speech-to-text. And get the username and password for speech-to-text.  Link : Create service for speech to text

Step 4:  Start coding.
Step 5:  create a .js file and require speech-to-text and fs just like below code.

var SpeechToTextV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/speech-to-text/v1');
var fs = require('fs');

Step 6: Create an object of SpeechToText just like below code.

var speech_to_text = new SpeechToTextV1({
username: '1234567-8765-4267-9e76-fgff34f',
password: 'ABCdefghiJK'

Step 7: Create an array and insert the path of the audio. You can have many audio file in this array.

var files = ['./music/hello.flac','./music/somebody2010.flac'];

 Step 8: Create params for every audio, So we will do it in for loop and call speech_to_text.recognize() to convert.Get the response and console it.

for (var file in files) {
var params = {
audio: fs.createReadStream(files[file]),
content_type: 'audio/flac',
timestamps: true,
word_alternatives_threshold: 0.9,
keywords: ['colorado', 'tornado', 'tornadoes'],
keywords_threshold: 0.5

speech_to_text.recognize(params, function (error, transcript) {
if (error)
console.log('Error:', error);
console.log(JSON.stringify(transcript, null, 2));

 Congratulation ! You did it.

The complete code is here :

var SpeechToTextV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/speech-to-text/v1');
var fs = require('fs');

var speech_to_text = new SpeechToTextV1({
username: '1234567-8765-4267-9e76-fgff34f',
password: 'ABCdefghiJK'

var files = ['./music/hello.flac','./music/somebody2010.flac'];

for (var file in files) {
var params = {
audio: fs.createReadStream(files[file]),
content_type: 'audio/flac',
timestamps: true,
word_alternatives_threshold: 0.9,
keywords: ['colorado', 'tornado', 'tornadoes'],
keywords_threshold: 0.5

speech_to_text.recognize(params, function (error, transcript) {
if (error)
console.log('Error:', error);



Step 0: Check the environment setup. (Should installed nodejs,Remove all errors if any).
Step 1: Navigate terminal/command prompt to this directory.
Step 2: Run command:  node FILE_NAME.js;
Step 3: See the message  in console log;
Step 4: if executed Step 3 successfully then you have text message according to audio. Otherwise go to Step 0.
